GAIS vs. IFK Gothenburg

1st Half Over/Under 0.75

GAIS vs. IFK Gothenburg

Match Spread for HomeTeam 1.0

GAIS vs. IFK Gothenburg

1st Half Spread for HomeTeam -0.25

GAIS vs. IFK Gothenburg

1st Half Spread for HomeTeam 0.5

GAIS vs. IFK Gothenburg

Match Spread for HomeTeam 1.25

GAIS vs. IFK Gothenburg

Match Spread for HomeTeam -0.25

GAIS vs. IFK Gothenburg

Match Over/Under 2.75

GAIS vs. IFK Gothenburg

Match Spread for HomeTeam -0.75

GAIS vs. IFK Gothenburg

1st Half Over/Under 1.0

GAIS vs. IFK Gothenburg

Team Props / IFK Gothenburg To Score 1st Half

GAIS vs. IFK Gothenburg

Team Props / Winning Margin 1st Half

GAIS vs. IFK Gothenburg

Team Props / Draw No Bet 1st Half

GAIS vs. IFK Gothenburg

Team Props / First Team To Score 1st Half

GAIS vs. IFK Gothenburg

Total Away - 1st Half Over/Under 0.5

GAIS vs. IFK Gothenburg

1st Half Spread for HomeTeam -0.5

GAIS vs. IFK Gothenburg

Team Props / IFK Gothenburg Goals Odd/Even

GAIS vs. IFK Gothenburg

Team Props / Winner/Total Goals

GAIS vs. IFK Gothenburg

Team Props / GAIS To Score

GAIS vs. IFK Gothenburg

Team Props / GAIS To Score 1st Half

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

1st Half Over/Under 0.75

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

1st Half Over/Under 1.25

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

1st Half Spread for HomeTeam -0.5

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

Match Over/Under 2.0

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

Match Spread for HomeTeam 0.5

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

Total Away - 1st Half Over/Under 0.5

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

1st Half Spread for HomeTeam 0.25

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

Total Home - Match Over/Under 0.5

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

Match Spread for HomeTeam 1.25


AIK Solna vs. Sirius

Match Spread for HomeTeam -1.25


AIK Solna vs. Sirius

Match Over/Under 4.5


AIK Solna vs. Sirius

Match Spread for HomeTeam -0.5


AIK Solna vs. Sirius

Total Away - 1st Half Over/Under 0.5


AIK Solna vs. Sirius

Match Spread for HomeTeam -1.0

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

Match Spread for HomeTeam 0.25

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

1st Half Over/Under 1.0

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

Match Over/Under 2.5

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

Match Spread for HomeTeam -0.5


AIK Solna vs. Sirius

Match Over/Under 1.5

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

Match Spread for HomeTeam -0.75

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

Match Over/Under 1.75

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

1st Half Spread for HomeTeam 0.5

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

Total Away - Match Over/Under 1.5

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

Match Spread for HomeTeam 1.0

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

Total Home - 1st Half Over/Under 0.5

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

1st Half Over/Under 0.5

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

Match Over/Under 2.75

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

Match Over/Under 3.5

Halmstads vs. Mjallby

Match Spread for HomeTeam 0.0
