Ethnikos Achna vs. AEL Limassol

1st Half Spread for HomeTeam 0.0

Othellos Athienou vs. Doxa Katokopias

Match Spread for HomeTeam 0.5

Othellos Athienou vs. Doxa Katokopias

Total Home - 1st Half Over/Under 0.5

Othellos Athienou vs. Doxa Katokopias

Match Spread for HomeTeam -0.75


Othellos Athienou vs. Doxa Katokopias

Team Props / Doxa Katokopias To Win to Nil 1st Half

Ethnikos Achna vs. AEL Limassol

Total Home - 1st Half Over/Under 0.5

Othellos Athienou vs. Doxa Katokopias

Match Spread for HomeTeam -1.25

Ethnikos Achna vs. AEL Limassol

Match Over/Under 2.5

Ethnikos Achna vs. AEL Limassol

Match Over/Under 2.75

Ethnikos Achna vs. AEL Limassol

Match Spread for HomeTeam 0.75

Ethnikos Achna vs. AEL Limassol

Match Over/Under 3.0

Ethnikos Achna vs. AEL Limassol

Match Spread for HomeTeam 0.0

Ethnikos Achna vs. AEL Limassol

Match Spread for HomeTeam -1.25

Karmiotissa FC vs. Nea Salamis

1st Half Over/Under 1.0

Ethnikos Achna vs. AEL Limassol

Match Over/Under 5.5

Karmiotissa FC vs. Nea Salamis

Match Over/Under 4.5

Ethnikos Achna vs. AEL Limassol

Match Over/Under 4.5

Ethnikos Achna vs. AEL Limassol

Match Over/Under 1.5

Karmiotissa FC vs. Nea Salamis

1st Half Spread for HomeTeam -0.25

Othellos Athienou vs. Doxa Katokopias

1st Half Over/Under 1.75

Ethnikos Achna vs. AEL Limassol

Match Over/Under 3.25

Karmiotissa FC vs. Nea Salamis

1st Half Spread for HomeTeam -0.5

Othellos Athienou vs. Doxa Katokopias

1st Half Spread for HomeTeam -0.5

Othellos Athienou vs. Doxa Katokopias

1st Half Over/Under 1.0

Karmiotissa FC vs. Nea Salamis

Match Spread for HomeTeam 0.75

Ethnikos Achna vs. AEL Limassol

1st Half Spread for HomeTeam 0.25

Ethnikos Achna vs. AEL Limassol

Match Spread for HomeTeam -0.5

Karmiotissa FC vs. Nea Salamis

Total Home - Match Over/Under 1.5

Othellos Athienou vs. Doxa Katokopias

1st Half Spread for HomeTeam 0.0

Othellos Athienou vs. Doxa Katokopias

Match Spread for HomeTeam 0.25

Ethnikos Achna vs. AEL Limassol

1st Half Spread for HomeTeam -0.5

Ethnikos Achna vs. AEL Limassol

Match Spread for HomeTeam 0.5

Ethnikos Achna vs. AEL Limassol

1st Half Over/Under 1.5

Karmiotissa FC vs. Nea Salamis

Match Over/Under 2.5

Ethnikos Achna vs. AEL Limassol

Match Spread for HomeTeam -0.25

Karmiotissa FC vs. Nea Salamis

1st Half Spread for HomeTeam 0.5

Othellos Athienou vs. Doxa Katokopias

1st Half Over/Under 1.5

Karmiotissa FC vs. Nea Salamis

1st Half Spread for HomeTeam 0.0

Karmiotissa FC vs. Nea Salamis

Match Spread for HomeTeam -1.0

Karmiotissa FC vs. Nea Salamis

Match Over/Under 3.0

Othellos Athienou vs. Doxa Katokopias

Match Spread for HomeTeam -0.25

Othellos Athienou vs. Doxa Katokopias

Match Spread for HomeTeam 0.0

Karmiotissa FC vs. Nea Salamis

Match Over/Under 2.75

Ethnikos Achna vs. AEL Limassol

Total Away - Match Over/Under 1.5

Karmiotissa FC vs. Nea Salamis

Match Spread for HomeTeam -0.75
