Image - a line graph that represents a price variation over time

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FearX Youth vs. Kwangdong Freecs Challengers

Match Spread for HomeTeam 1.5

Nigma Galaxy vs. Geekay

Match Over/Under 3.5

Nigma Galaxy vs. Geekay

Match Spread for HomeTeam 2.5

Nigma Galaxy vs. Geekay

Match Spread for HomeTeam 1.5

Infinity vs. Isurus

Match Spread for HomeTeam 0.5

Movistar R7 vs. Estral

Match Spread for HomeTeam -0.5

Anubis vs. Twisted Minds

Match Over/Under 3.5

Anubis vs. Twisted Minds

Match Spread for HomeTeam 1.5

Anubis vs. Twisted Minds

Match Spread for HomeTeam 2.5

Infinity vs. Estral

Match Spread for HomeTeam 0.5

Nongshim RedForce Academy vs. FearX Youth

Match Spread for HomeTeam 1.5

KT Rolster Challengers vs. Gen.G Global Academy

Match Spread for HomeTeam -1.5

Hanwha Life Challengers vs. BRION Challengers

Match Spread for HomeTeam 1.5
