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Alana Parnaby vs. Tina Nadine Smith

Match Spread for HomeTeam 1.5

Alana Parnaby (Games) vs. Tina Nadine Smith (Games)

Total Away - Match Over/Under 12.5

Jelle Sels (Games) vs. John Sperle (Games)

Total Away - Match Over/Under 11.0

Raphael Calzi (Games) vs. Liam Branger (Games)

Total Home - Match Over/Under 12.0

Tatiana Pieri (Games) vs. Amandine Monnot (Games)

Match Spread for HomeTeam -5.5

Martin Van Der Meerschen vs. Victor Ernaelsteen

Match Spread for HomeTeam 1.5

Anastasiia Gureva vs. Rutuja Bhosale

Match Spread for HomeTeam 1.5

Raphael Calzi vs. Liam Branger

Match Over/Under 2.5

Rodrigo Alujas (Games) vs. Evan Jarzaguet (Games)

Total Home - Match Over/Under 12.5


Alice Rame (Games) vs. Ines Ibbou (Games)

Match Spread for HomeTeam -5.0


Alice Rame vs. Ines Ibbou

Match Spread for HomeTeam -1.5

Jelle Sels vs. John Sperle

Match Spread for HomeTeam -1.5
