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Raphael Calzi (Games) vs. Liam Branger (Games)

Match Spread for HomeTeam 0.0


Miguel Damas vs. Diego Fernandez Flores

Match Spread for HomeTeam 1.5

Johan Nikles (Games) vs. Sandro Kopp (Games)

Match Spread for HomeTeam 4.5


Lola Radivojevic (Games) vs. Anouk Koevermans (Games)

Match Spread for HomeTeam -4.0

Raphael Calzi vs. Liam Branger

Match Spread for HomeTeam 1.5

Tatiana Pieri (Games) vs. Amandine Monnot (Games)

Match Spread for HomeTeam -5.5

Cagla Buyukakcay (Games) vs. Diana Martynov (Games)

Total Away - Match Over/Under 10.0

Adrien Berrut vs. Thijmen Loof

Match Spread for HomeTeam -1.5


Alice Rame (Games) vs. Ines Ibbou (Games)

Match Spread for HomeTeam -5.0

Sydney Comets vs. Hills Hornets

Game Over/Under 145.5

Martin Van Der Meerschen vs. Victor Ernaelsteen

Match Spread for HomeTeam 1.5

Mats Bredschneijder vs. Harold Van Raemdonck

Match Spread for HomeTeam 1.5

Adan Freire Da Silva vs. Louis Wessels

Match Spread for HomeTeam 1.5

Mammoth vs. Bliss

Teams / Correct Score

Ziva Falkner (Games) vs. Sofia Rocchetti (Games)

Match Spread for HomeTeam -1.0


Alice Rame vs. Ines Ibbou

Match Spread for HomeTeam -1.5
